what we do
partial list of clients served...
3CM, Moscow , Russia | AAFES | Adea Solutions | AG Edwards & Sons | American Airlines | American GI Forum | AT&T |
Baker Brothers | Biotech | Builders University | Cyber Services | Christian Dior | Club Corp. of America | Coaching and Training Institute, Poland | California Army National Guard | Cadbury Schweppes | Dept. of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs | DFW Airport Operations Team | Energizer Batteries | Etihad Airways | Golden Gate University | Florida Dept. of Revenue | Halliburton | IBM Mid America Employees Credit Union |Immigration and Naturalization Service | InfoMart | Internal Revenue Service | Lennar Homes | Linkage | Marriott Hotels |Milestone Electric | Million Dollar Round Table | Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics | Papa's Pizza | Pfizer | Petroleum Research Council |Siemens Stromberg Carlson | Social Security Administration | United States Army | United States Air Force |United States Postal Service | Verizon | Walmart